About the Cree Outfitting and Tourism Association
Mission Statement
Our mission is to develop and implement a collective vision for a world-class sustainable tourism industry in Eeyou Istchee that is in harmony with Cree culture and values and that involves a partnership with Cree communities, institutions, and businesses.
Our Story
In 1975, the negotiators of the James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement (JBNQA) laid the foundation for the Cree Outfitting and Tourism Association. Sections 28.4 and 28.6 of the JBNQA list our mandate as follows:
- Provide marketing, booking, and promotion services for Cree outfitting operations;
- Provide business, management, accounting and professional services for Cree outfitters;
- Conduct feasibility studies related to the establishment or siting of individual outfitting facilities or a network of outfitting facilities.
On December 7, 2000, this vision was realized with the incorporation of the Cree Outfitting and Tourism Association (COTA), a non-profit corporation under Part II of the Canadian Corporations Act. `
Today, COTA is a member-driven organization that provides services and support to our businesses, organizations, and communities so that we, as Crees, can build a thriving tourism industry on our own terms.

Our Objectives
Implement Sections 28.4 and 28.6 of the JBNQA
Sections 28.4 and 28.6 of the JBNQA list COTA’s mandate as follows:
- Provide marketing, booking, and promotion services for Cree outfitting operations;
- Provide business, management, accounting and professional services for Cree outfitters;
- Conduct feasibility studies related to the establishment or siting of individual outfitting facilities or a network of outfitting facilities.
This mandate remains at the heart of our role and responsibility within the Cree Nation.
Community Awareness and Capacity Building
- Place a priority on increasing awareness of tourism as a sustainable economic development opportunity.
- Increase the capacity of local and regional institutions to provide services by improving access to information.
- Support and undertake training and skill development initiatives that recognize Cree skills and industry standards.
- Support and encourage human resource development related to tourism.
- Ensure effective communications with Cree stakeholders including Tallymen, governments, communities, and industry.
- Promote COTA’s vision, objectives, activities, and accomplishments.
- Promote a positive image of the membership.
- Develop alliances and coordinate with other tourism and indigenous organizations to work toward common goals.
- Serve as a liaison between Cree tourism and outfitting operators, the tourism industry, and the markets they serve.
- Incorporate current technology to increase the ease and efficiency of communications and reduce the associated costs.
- Increase market share by researching the feasibility of regional projects that promote the communities.
- Conduct product development and market research that include visitor statistics and product inventories.
Financial Development
- Actively seek funding and other resources from governments, the private sector, and other sources.
- Develop, where appropriate, revenue-generating activities.
Industry Development
- Promote partnerships among Cree businesses, communities, and institutions.
- Represent the interests of COTA members at meetings with governments, commissions, other organizations, and non-native developers.
- Support the development of Cree tourist products that exceed market standards by creating quality standards and by recognizing success with awards.
- Ensure the participation of the Cree Nation in the development and promotion of tourism and outfitting activities.
Our Operating Principles
Development of high-quality and authentic Cree tourism products and experiences
Respect for individual initiatives and their role in economic development
Respect for values, including spirituality, self-reliance, and sharing
Honesty in communications and in operations
Protection and preservation of the Cree way of life
Recognition of a stewardship role regarding the environment
Encouragement of business opportunities through partnerships
Development and implementation of operational norms and quality standards.
Commitment to work together and communicate cultural pride
COTA Annual Reports
Use the links below to download our annual reports. To request older annual reports, please contact us.
Board of Directors
The COTA Board is comprised of twelve members who serve a three-year term. One board member is appointed by the Cree Nation Government, nine are elected by the COTA membership, and two are appointed by the Elders Council. The community of Washaw Sibi is represented with a member who has observer status.
COTA policy stipulates that there must be at least one board member from each of the nine Cree communities of Eeyou Istchee. Each member must be a Cree Beneficiary and closely affiliated with his or her community.
The primary role of the COTA Board of Directors is to guide the activities of the association and make decisions that help further the development of the tourism industry in Eeyou Istchee in accordance with the needs and objectives of our members.

Mr. Anderson Jolly
President / Nemaska Representative
9 Bear Trail
Nemaska, Quebec J0Y 3B0
tel: 819.860.8872
fax: 819.673.2542

Mr. Edward Bearskin
Vice-President / Chisasibi Representative
Chisasibi, Qc J0M 1W0
tel: 819-855-2878 ext.502
cell: 873-365-0312

Ms. Irene Otter
Executive Committee / Waswanipi Representative
Chisasibi, Qc J0M 1W0
tel: 819-855-2878 ext.502
cell: 873-365-0312

Mr. Ron Simard
Oujé-Bougoumou Representative
203 Opemiska Meskino
Ouje-Bougoumou, Quebec G0W 3C0
tel: 418.745.3911
cell: 418.770.1242
fax: 418.745.3426

Mr. Gilbert Baribeau
Mistissini Representative
Mistissini, Quebec J0Y 3C0
tel: 418.923.2333

Ms. Stacy Bear
Waskaganish Representative
70 Waskaganish Road
Waskaganish, Qc J0M 1R0
tel: 819.895.8650
fax: 819.895.8901

Mr. Stanley Shashaweskum
Wemindji Representative
Wemindji, Qc J0M 1L0

Mr. Elvis Weapenicappo
Eastmain Representative
Eastmain, Qc J0M 1W0
tel: 819-977-0355
fax: 819-977-0356

Mr. Isaac Masty
Whapmagoostui Representative
P.O. Box 149
Whapmagoostui, Québec J0M 1G0
tel: 819.929.3364
fax: 819.929.3435

Mr. Timothy Wapachee
Financial Controller/Corporate Secretary
205, Opemiska Meskino, P.0. Box 1167
Oujé-Bougoumou, Québec G0W 3C0
tel: 418.745.2220 ext: 4229
fax: 418.745.2240

Mr. Alexander Moses
CNG Representative
277 Duke Street
Mistissini, Québec G0W 1C0
tel: 514.861.5837
fax: 514.861.0760

Elders Johnny & Louise B. Saganash
Elders Committee Representatives

Washaw Sibi Observer

About the COTA Team
Our team is behind everything that we do at COTA! Our staff works closely with communities, entities, partners, and stakeholders to foster innovation, support our members, and pursue our mission.