This is the corporate website for the Cree Outfitting and Tourism Association (COTA) and Eeyou Istchee Tourism (EIT).
If you are travelling to Eeyou Istchee Baie-James and want to find out about the region’s many attractions, please visit
Un voyage d’agrément à Eeyou Istchee Baie-James et désirez en savoir plus sur les nombreux attraits de la région, veuillez visiter

Cree Tourism News and Updates from COTA/EIT

COTA, Wiinipaakw Confirm Creetopia Site Destroyed by Forest Fires

COTA, Wiinipaakw Confirm Creetopia Site Destroyed by Forest Fires

Waskaganish, Québec, July 11, 2023 – The Cree Outfitting and Tourism Association (COTA) and Wiinipaakw Tours are deeply saddened to share that the Creetopia base camp was among the sites destroyed by forest fires in Northern Quebec. This news was confirmed by public safety yesterday. The fire that...

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EPRTNT 2022-2025: Funding Program in Tourism

EPRTNT 2022-2025: Funding Program in Tourism

What is the EPRTNT 2022-2025? The Entente de partenariat régional et de tranformations numérique en tourisme 2022-2025 (EPRTNT 2022-2025) is a tourism funding program from Eeyou Istchee Tourism and Tourisme Québec. It is the same program then the former RTPA, but includes now a category for...

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