MISTISSINI, QC -- Capping off a remarkable year of innovation and renewal in Eeyou Istchee’s tourism sector, the Nibiischii Corporation has been proudly recognized by two major tourism awards in Quebec and Canada. Nibiischii, an Eeyou/Eenou-managed company that...
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Government of Québec to Invest $3,381,781 in Tourism in Eeyou Istchee Supporting the Recovery of Cree Tourism
Oujé-Bougoumou, Québec, June 29, 2022 – On May 6 of this year, as part of the Ministère du Tourisme plan to revive the regional tourism industry in Québec, it was announced that an additional $92 million would be invested in the Québec’s 21 tourism regions. For Eeyou...
Canada’s Indigenous Tourism Sector: Insights and Economic Impacts
In 2019, the Conference Board of Canada published an eye-opening report titled Canada’s Indigenous Tourism Sector: Insights and Economic Impacts. This report was commissioned by the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) to "profile and assess the economic...
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Sarah Thompson
Business Consultant