This is the corporate website for the Cree Outfitting and Tourism Association (COTA) and Eeyou Istchee Tourism (EIT).
If you are travelling to Eeyou Istchee Baie-James and want to find out about the region’s many attractions, please visit
Un voyage d’agrément à Eeyou Istchee Baie-James et désirez en savoir plus sur les nombreux attraits de la région, veuillez visiter

Cooperative Advertising Program

Want to advertise your tourism business to Quebec, Canada, and the world?

With the Tourisme Baie-James (TBJ) and Eeyou Istchee Tourism (EIT) cooperative advertising program, up to 50% of your eligible advertising expenses could be covered each year!

Reimbursement is available for promotional projects that aim to attract an outside-of-the-region clientele, specifically:

  • Advertising in print media, television, web, radio, display and social media
  • Support in the creation of packages
  • Consumer tradeshows
  • Familiarization and press tours and the creation of content

Read our guide for more information or contact Stephanie Bourgault, our Marketing and Promotion Coordinator, at 418-748-8140 ext 1227 /

We look forward to contributing to the success of your business!